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Engineering Development Services

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Knowledgeable Staff Provides Technical Support on a Wide Variety of Platforms
ISE Labs offers a large pool of experienced engineering resources in both Silicon Valley, Austin, TX, and Asia. The test program development team has over 40 years of experience on Advantest, Teradyne, and LTX-Credence test platforms. Experience in test program development includes digital, high speed, mixed signal, analog, RF, SOC, and MEMs devices. Engineering services ranging from new silicon verification, device characterization, and test program conversion to seamless transfer of engineering activity to high volume production are available in an one-stop shop. In addition to the team of experts, ISE Labs also has a close relationship with third-party ATE specialists from Advantest, LTX-Credence, and Teradyne who will help to support any issue customers may have.

Solution to Reduce New Product Development Cost
ISE Labs also provides 24-7 remote access service to testers that will allow our customers to maximize the time needed. Besides program development, we also provide project management and logistic help, which will assist customer with low cost production test solution that can minimize their cost.

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